Got to the parents place around 3 AM and it was right to bed cause thats a long ride in the dark.
Got up the next morning and it was 8:30, wow I don't remember the last time I slept till 8:30. Got the motor going and decided it was time for a ride, off I go not knowing where I'm going but figured I'd fine my way. Out HWY 47 and figured I'd head towards Lake Tomahawk and before I knew it the computer was reading 24 MPH and I was feeling better then I have in a while.
Got to the lake and just kept going, 4 miles past and I figure its time to get home, hit the u-turn and WHAM the head wind is brutal, from 24 down to 14 and I'm giving it all I got to get the speed up, get it cranking and I'm sitting around 15.5 and a average of 230 watts. Make the turn back towards Woodruff and I am feeling the burn but it felt good to get out.
Got back and all the girls went to town so I figured I could get in a shower before they get back.
The thing with the shower is there is not a huge hot water tank so you have to have a plan to shower and stick with it or your in a cold shower. I don't know what it is but I think the shower right after a good ride it the best, you feel brand new and clean clean clean.
So after all that I make a phone call to find out where the girls are and find out what were doing today, Erica says, were going to Eagle River, want to go, and away we go. Its a fun time to walk around and look at all the crap thats for sale and it all the same stuff in every shop but Erica got some stuff for Tess and we had a good time.
Got back and my nieces wanted to go swimming so we hit up the beach. The water was cold at first but then got better. Tess was like a fish to water, she wanted to jump right in, hopefully she will be a better swimmer then her father a I sink like a rock.
After that we hit up the play ground and played on all the slides and tee-ter-toters and thats where I thought it was going to end. My niece and I were on the teter and all of a sudden she was on the ground, its not really clear what happened but she says I tried to kill her but I plead the 5th. In the end she was just fine and we all had a good laugh and something we will never forget.
Sunday we hit the road around 10am after some good donuts from Paul's next store. We made some stops on the way and the the best of them all "Union Star Cheese" if you've never stopped you must. Their curds are the best and cheap. So from there it was a straight drive home.
On the way I call the SUG to see how the race went and he asked if we wanted to meet them and go to the Whitefish Bay race, well what the hell, home for like a hour and a half and right back out the door. It was a good race and Tess had a blast watching all the bikes go by.
All in all it was a good weekend and I wish we could do them a lot more. I put in some pictures of the weekend, sorry for the color,there form my phone as the batteries in the camera were dead.
On a sad note it looks like my long time friend and companion Max (our dog) is going down hill fast. at the age of 12 the rear legs are going out and the weekend was hard on him, as much fun as he had I think it may be his last trip. I was in hopes he would make it though the year but I guess thats all up in the air now. The worst part of this is Tess and him are like best friends and she loves him so much. He has had a long life but I just didn't figure it would be so soon. Well I'll know more after I get home and see how he's doing. The Vet says there not much to do just let him have fun and keep a eye on him. I just hope he turns around and makes it a while longer.
Got to go
See Yaa