Monday, March 20, 2006

Well I figured it was about time to see how the old ticker was doing with all the (or some) training, so i called up Bubba to come over and do one of those CTS tapes in the new riding room. We did the crit one and it was a burner, one hour and five min. and it felt like five hours sittin on the ball and chain(see ealirer post) but it was good. So the picture you see is of my HR data that I downloaded. not to bad for five weeks till wors. A little more work on holdin my power at a lower heart rate and then workin on the sprints.
Well got to hit the shower and then to bed.
SEE YA.................................


bubba said...


TonyG said...

We are riding tonight 6pm @ Tosa Bridge for 90mins. Mountain Bikes, we will check the trails first to see if they are ridable, if not, we'll do the Oak Leaf trail south.

Jay said...

Man I have a school board meeting. I be the Prez so I can't skip it. Next week maybe.

bubba said...

Are you alive?????

DIHAF? said...

I went on this blog and several tumbleweeds came rolling out of the screen. Update this piece of crap or delete it.